
Counselling Skills II

Online Counselling Skills II Course

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100 Hours

Counselling Skills II BPS110

Study at home: Counselling Course

Micro-skills are the tools of the trade for counsellors. They are the techniques which counsellors use to help clients find solutions for dealing with their problems. Nevertheless, just understanding micro-skills is not necessarily enough. In this fascinating course students are encouraged to hone their micro-skills and apply their understanding to a range of real-life problems which any counsellor may have to deal with. 

Learn advanced skills to put you ahead of the pack 

It is sometimes the case that clients expect that the counsellor will be able to conjure up an instant cure. In such cases, it may well be necessary for the counsellor to spell out to the client that they are not an expert who can offer a magical solution to the client’s problems, but that their role is to help the client express their problems and feelings so as to gain a better understanding of themselves. The client needs to understand that it is not the role of the counsellor to offer advice, but rather to enable the client to find their own solutions that are right for them. It may also be necessary to inform the client that finding solutions to problems can take a long time, and that they may need to exercise patience and be prepared to commit to a number of sessions.

Take this course to increase your understanding of the use of counselling skills

This course will help you to better help your clients and refine your micro-skills. 

There are 8 lessons in this course:

  1. The Counselling Session - how micro-skills come together
  2. Focus on the Present - present experiences; feedback; transference; projection; resistance
  3. Telephone Counselling - non-visual contact; preparation; initial contact; use of micro-skills; overall process; debriefing; types of problem callers
  4. Dealing with Crises - defining crisis; types of crisis; dangers of crisis; counsellor’s responses and intervention; post-traumatic stress
  5. Problem-Solving Techniques I: Aggression - expressing anger; encouraging change; role-play; externalising anger
  6. Problem-Solving Techniques II: Depression - blocked anger; referral practice; chronic depression; setting goals; promoting action
  7. Problem-Solving Techniques III: Grief and Loss - loss of relationships; children and grief; stages of grief
  8. Problem-Solving Techniques IV: Suicide - ethics; reasons for suicide; perceived risk; counselling strategies; alternative approach.

Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.


  • Demonstrate the application of micro skills to different stages of the counselling process.
  • Role-play the dynamics of the counselling process including such phenomenon as present experiences, feedback, transference, counter-transference, projection and resistance.
  • Demonstrate telephone counselling techniques.
  • Develop appropriate responses to crises, both emotional and practical.
  • Show ways of encouraging the client to deal with aggression.
  • Demonstrate different ways of encouraging the client to cope with depression.
  • Discuss strategies for dealing with grief.
  • Develop different strategies of helping suicidal clients.

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