

Online Communications Course

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Online & Correspondence
100 Hours

Communications VWR100

Learn to communicate more effectively.

Learn how to write effectively and be understood.

Effective communications can result in:

  • Improved customer service
  • Increased profits
  • Improved relationships with customers, colleagues and suppliers
  • Workplace issues resolved much easier
  • And most importantly getting your message understood!

Learn how to structure your words when writing so that your message is understood by the receiver.

Improving your communication skills can benefit your personal and professional relationships and can positively influence your career prospects. Employers want people who can communicate effectively on many platforms and to a variety of audiences.

Effective communication skills can enhance your life in so many ways. If people can understand what you are trying to say, you can learn to build more effective relationships with friends, family colleagues, suppliers and customers.

There are 8 lessons in this course:

  1. Introduction
    • Problems with Poor Communication
    • Barriers to Effective Communication
    • Giving Instructions
    • Evaluating Instructions or Orders
  2. Types of Communication
    • What is Appropriate Communication
    • Passive, aggressive and assertive Communication
    • Listening
    • Obstacles to Listening
    • Empathic Listening
    • Ways to Indicate You are Listening
    • Informative Language
    • Persuasive Language
    • Imaginative Language
    • Literal Language
    • Figurative Language
    • Formal Language
    • Colloquial Language
    • Communication Channels
  3. Language Skills
    • Reviewing your Writing
    • Evaluating your Writing
    • Concise Wording
    • Condensing your Writing
    • Common Problems contributing to Lack of Conciseness
    • Clear Wording
    • Making Meanings Clear
    • Causes of Confusion; homophones, malopropisms, colloquial meanings, ambiguity
    • Simplicity
  4. Writing Skills
    • Where Writing Skills are Used
    • Writing for a Purpose
    • Determining the Purpose
    • Knowing Your Reader
    • Guidelines for Effective Writing
    • Language
    • Planning What You Write
    • Business Letters
    • Writing a Business Letter
    • Other Types of Business Documents
    • Writing Themes
    • Types of Themes: analogy, chronological theme
    • Common Gramatical Errors to Avoid
    • Punctuation
  5. Developing Writing Skills
    • Writing Fundamentals
    • Improving a Piece of Writing
    • Newspaper Writing
    • Concise Wording
    • Magazine Articles
  6. Visual Communications
    • Hand outs
    • Visual Materials; illustration, charts
    • Digital Technology
    • Digital Applications; Graphics, CAD, Multi media, Internet, etc.
  7. Public Speaking
    • Audio Aids
    • Recorded Presentations
    • Speaking in Public
    • Principles of Public Speaking
    • Selling
  8. Committee Meetings
    • Functions of a Meeting
    • Conducting a Committee Meeting
    • Role of Office Bearers
    • Taking Minutes in a Meeting

Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.


  • Explain the communication process
  • Explain the types of communication approaches used.
  • Demonstrate language skills that are concise and precise.
  • Explain the importance of writing as an effective form of communication.
  • Demonstrate writing skills as an effective form of communication.
  • Describe various forms of visual communication and how they are generally used to impart messages.
  • Prepare for effective verbal communication.
  • Conduct committee meetings.

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