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100 Hours

Eucalypts VHT117

This is a course for amateurs and professionals; land managers, farmers, plant collectors and breeders, nurserymen, botanists, landscapers, gardeners and horticulturists.


The content of each of the eight lessons is as outlined below:

1.  Introduction.  Review of the system of plant identification, general characteristics of the group, information contacts (ie: nurseries, seed, clubs etc.)

2.  Culture.  Planting, staking, mulching, watering, pest & disease, feeding, pruning, protection from wind, salt air, etc.

3.  Propagation.  Methods of propagating this group of plants.

4.  The most commonly grown varieties.

5.  Other important groups.

6.  Lesser grown varieties.

7.  Making the best use of Eucalypts

8.  Special Assignment.  On one selected plant or group.


  • Describe the classification of Eucalypts.
  • Discuss general cultural requirements for growing Eucalypts.
  • Propagate Eucalypts.
  • Differentiate between identifiable characteristics and cultural requirements in a number of commonly cultivated Eucalypts.
  • Discuss characteristics of a wider range of Eucalypt species.
  • Describe commercial uses for a range of different Eucalyptus species.
  • Plan the establishment of a collection of different cultivars of Eucalypts (eg. Gums, Mallees, Tall Trees, Short Trees, Dryland Species), suited to growing in a specified locality

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