
Criminal Profiling

Online Criminal Profiling Course

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100 Hours

Learn to Understand the Criminal Mind with our Criminal Profiling course.

Course Outline

Lesson plan:
1. Introduction to Criminal Profiling
2. Profiling Methods
3. Crime Scene Analysis
4. Offender Characteristics
5. Victimology
6. Offender Profiling - Sexual Crimes
7. Offender Profiling – Violent Crimes
8. Offender Profiling – White-Collar Crimes
9. Offender Profiling – Victimless Crimes, Consensual Crimes and Other Crimes
10. Profiling in Action

Course aims:
● Describe the nature and scope of criminal profiling
● Explain different methods used for criminal profiling
● Describe how a crime scene may be analysed
● Describe criminal offender characteristics
● Describe different types of victims
● Describe the common profiles of sex crime offenders and victim profiles
● Describe the common profiles of violent crime offenders
● Describe common profiles of white-collar crime offenders
● Apply criminal profiling to victimless crimes, consensual crimes, and other crimes
● Discuss the application of criminal profiling, and its importance to society

Types of crime:
Criminologists argue that there are five main types of crime –
● Violent crime, such as murder, rape and assault
● Property crime, such as arson or vandalism
● White collar crime, such as fraud
● Organised crime, such as drug selling
● Consensual and victimless crimes
This course deals with all of these, from the softer petty criminal activity through to most extreme and serious crimes.

Assessment type:
You will learn a variety of things, through a combination of reading, interacting with tutors, undertaking research and watching videos.
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.

Work experience:
While you are studying, we advise that you try to get as much work experience as possible – even if it is not a requirement of your course.
This will not only increase your job opportunities, but also build your confidence and build a network of support.

Self-paced study:
This course has no deadlines on assessments or course completion, allowing you the freedom & flexibility to fit your study in around work
and other commitments.

This course has no specific entry requirements. However, the ability to read, comprehend, discuss and analyse printed information in English and to write statements & solve problems are essential skills required to complete the course. Please note: Those under the age of 18 would require the consent of a parent or guardian.

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Course Overview

Crime isn't always extreme, nor is it always committed with serious, thought out intent.
People may abuse others in a momentary loss of self control. Crimes can vary from soft crimes such as illegal possession of drugs to petty theft or slander; through to serious crimes such as murder and sex trafficking.
Criminals can be motivated by many things from personality defects or mental illness through to circumstances beyond their control. Knowing the motivation that drives a criminal's actions can be key to reducing criminal activity.

Who this course is for:
● Security guards
● Crime writers
● News reporters for print or broadcast media
● Bouncers at a nightclub
● Private investigators
● Insurance agents investigating the validity of claims
● Cybersecurity professionals
● Social workers
● Welfare workers
● Law firm staff
● Law enforcement officers and prison guards
● Anyone with an interest in criminal profiling

What is criminal profiling?
Criminal profiling has been described in various ways by different people - academics, investigators, crime writers, and law enforcement through to criminal support services. Essentially it involves assessing and interpreting behaviours or actions at a crime scene and using that information to attempt to predict the likely characteristics of the offender or offenders.

Basically, we look at what the person has done at the crime scene/scenes and use that to develop a profile of who they are and the type of crimes they may commit in the future. John MacDonald of the University of Colorado stated that children who were cruel to animals,
bedwetting and fire-starting were demonstrating a triad of behaviours, known as the MacDonald triad, or the Homicidal Triad. These behaviours were thought to indicate that a child would be cruel to humans later in their life, likely a serial killer or violent murderer.

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