

Online Neurodiversity Course

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Neurodivergent describes people who sense or interpret their environments in different ways. Understand how neurodivergent people interpret the world.
Neurodivergent describes people who sense or interpret their environments in different ways. Understand how neurodivergent people interpret the world.
This umbrella term includes people with dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADHD, ADD, OCD, autism, learning differences and other neurological conditions. Whether you work, teach, live, or play with someone who walks to the beat of a different drum, this course can help you to understand their view of the world.
The movement to encourage neurodiversity is on!

• Discuss what neurodiversity is.
• Explain the impact of neurodivergence on the wellbeing and development of children.
• Describe the impact of neurodiversity on the adolescent individual.
• Describe the impact of neurodiversity in adulthood on the individual.
• Describe the impact of neurodiversity on relationships.
• Describe the impact of neurodiversity in education and strategies to support neurodiverse students.
• Describe difficulties and opportunities for neurodiverse individuals in the workplace.
• Describe counselling techniques and strategies for working with neurodivergent individuals.

Assessment type:
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.

There are 8 lessons in this course:
1. Scope and Nature of Neurodiversity
History of the term ‘Neurodiversity’
What is neurodiversity today
The difference between neurotypical and
neurodivergent brains
The neurodivergent experience
Other considerations

2. Neurodiversity & Childhood
Gender and neurodiversity
Stereotyped behaviour
Mental health and neurodiversity
Strategies to help neurodivergent children

3. Neurodiversity & Adolescence
The transition from childhood to adolescence
Exercise and neurodiverse adolescents
Bullying in adolescence
Neurodiversity and mental health in adolescents
Adolescence and coping strategies

4. Neurodiversity in Adulthood
Neurodiverse adults and quality of life
Barriers to quality of life in neurodiverse individuals
Improving quality of life for neurodiverse individuals
Practical coping strategies for neurodiverse adults
Neurodiversity and work
Professional development

5. Neurodiversity and Relationships
Relationships and neurodiverse individuals
Interpersonal relations
Neurodiverse work relationships
Self-help groups

6. Neurodiversity in Education
Strategies in education
Teaching strategies for neurodiverse students
Neurodiverse children and education
Neurodiverse students in the classroom

7. Neurodiversity in the Workplace
Underemployment and unemployment
The benefits of neurodiverse employees
Neurodivergent jobs
Preparing for interviews
Maintaining neurodiverse individuals in the workplace

8. Counselling Neurodivergent Individuals
Counselling young neurodiverse people
Counselling neurodiverse adults
Case study – counselling for ADHD
International organisations that support neurodiversity

Neurodiversity is a field of study that only emerged in the 1990's. It isn't a
psychological disorder, rather it is an appreciation of normal variations that
occur in the human brain from one person to the next.
Natural and very normal variations in the brain which can cause variations in
mood, sociability, attention, learning and mental functions. Variations may be
slight, or more significant. Neurodiversity doesn’t refer to particular types of
brain. Every brain is different so there will always be variations from one brain to the next.

By learning about neurodiversity, you can better appreciate differences between individuals, and recognise all individual’s strengths and weaknesses.
• This can help people work better together, through a better understanding of each other.
• It can be a pathway to repairing or strengthening relationships.
• It can help managers deal with their subordinates.
• It can help business people interact better with their clients
• It can help teachers have a more effective relationship with their students

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