
Writeriffic: Creativity Training for Writers

Writeriffic: Creativity Training for Writers Online Course

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Banish writer's block forever with these techniques from the published writer's toolbox. This course will show you how to liberate the imaginative, inventive genius that is inside of you and transform your visions into the written word.

Who doesn't know the fear of the blank page? How can you transform your visions into the written word? Is it really possible to become a terrific writer? You'll find the answer to these and more of your questions in Writeriffic.

In this high-energy course, you will learn a number of invaluable tricks from the published writer's toolbox. Whether you're at work now or hoping to write a novel, a nonfiction book, a memoir, short stories or articles, Writeriffic liberates the imaginative, inventive bolts of genius that are inside everyone. If you've ever dreamed of hearing your writer's voice and writing what's in your heart and head, this course will make it happen!

What you will learn

  • Learn the best methods for planning, executing, and titling your stories, novels, and essays
  • Discover how to frame your writing sessions and manage your own creativity
  • Acquire a clear concept of the grammar and production requirements for creating marketable writing
  • Learn the best methods for evaluating your own writing and getting the most out of writing workshops

How you will benefit

  • Overcome the fears that may be holding you back from becoming a professional writer
  • Gain confidence in your ability to communicate to readers and impact others with your writing
  • Discover your own creativity and tap into the vast resources you already have at your disposal


The Nature of Creativity, Creativity and Self-Discipline, and Finding One's Voice

What is creativity? What's a writer's voice? Can writers be taught to write or is it a gift that only a few possess? This lesson will talk about the nature of creativity and about self-discipline. You'll learn about your writer's voice and hear from other writers. Then, you'll begin to express your creativity.

The Nature of Creativity, Creativity and Self-Discipline, and Finding One's Voice (Continued)

Tenacity is the focus of this lesson and you'll be a whiz at focusing your writing voice once you've worked through this information. You'll also learn why creativity is recess for the brain. But even though it's the ultimate fun experience, to produce writing, it needs to be managed play. Are you ready to play with words? Jump right in!

Creating a Workspace, Molding a Creative Life, Feeling the Fear of Starting, Knowing Your Reader

What are your fears? For many emerging and successful writers, there's a fear of beginning, of failure, of failing your muse. This lesson walks you through the gate of failure and will get you started as a professional writer. The best way to get over the fear of starting is to do just that: Start. Many writing instructors believe that creative people must simply show up at the page. That means getting to your creative project and putting down words. Ready to start?

Creating a Workspace, Molding a Creative Life, Feeling the Fear of Starting, Knowing Your Reader (Continued)

Do you know your reader? Most new writers say, "Hey, of course I do!" But how well do you know your reader? If you're at all vague about this, there may come a time when you'll be frustrated and feel rejected by editors and agents and the audience you wish to attract. Writers need to know their readers thoroughly in order to write so that readers understand the message. That's the focus of this lesson and it may be your biggest a-ha moment of the course.

Types of Creative Writing Opportunities, Clipping Files, Market Guidebooks, the Bubble Method

Some people—especially those who aren't writers—believe that creative writing refers only to fiction, but nothing could be further from the truth. Whether you write fiction, nonfiction, or both, you'll always use your creative muscles to stay agile and strong as a writer. As experienced writers know, both types of writing take skill, tenacity, and powerful imaginations, and this lesson will go over some of the genres in both fields. The objective of this lesson is to familiarize you with the many creative writing opportunities that are available.

Types of Creative Writing Opportunities, Clipping Files, Market Guidebooks, the Bubble Method (Continued)

Imagine that you've just purchased the latest market guide, filled with guidelines for submissions to publishers and magazine editors. The book is awesome! Looking at it, you understand how a child feels who has eaten too much cotton candy and hopped on a merry-go-round. Market guides can be overwhelming and exciting. There's so much potential. Where to start? How do you find the right magazine or publisher for a project? How can you know when it is the right one? These are just a few of the questions that you may ask. By the end of this lesson, you'll be able to navigate through it. But wait, there's more! You'll also learn about one of the most powerful brainstorming and writing tool around. It's called the bubble method and it's fun, fast, and effective.

Grammar, Self Editing, Production Tips and Finding Time to Write

For most writers, the idea of using correct grammar and punctuation is a necessary evil. In this lesson, you'll get a clear concept of the grammar and production requirements for creating marketable writing. Since self-editing is an essential ingredient to produce good writing, the lesson will also focus on that as well. Most writers have a difficult time editing their work, but once you finish reading this lesson, you'll be well on your way to putting polish on your words.

Grammar, Self Editing, Production Tips and Finding Time to Write (Continued)

Sorry to break the news, but even professional writers haven't found out how to squeeze 26 hours into every day. Thankfully, there are ways to manage the ordinary 24 that could help you. That's what you'll explore in this lesson on time management for creative writers. By the end, you'll know how to use non-writing time to create ideas and properly manage the time that's available to write.

Overcoming Obstacles and Building Confidence, Fearing Ourselves, Naming Characters and Selecting Titles

In this lesson, you'll learn about overcoming obstacles that may be stopping you from writing. One obstacle, called writer's block, can be remedied once you know about the ailment. Alternatively, writer's block can stop you cold in your tracks, never to write again. In this lesson, you'll continue to build confidence as you realize that all writers have fears, including fear of what is lurking inside a creative mind, and what might happen when it comes out in writing.

Overcoming Obstacles and Building Confidence, Fearing Ourselves, Naming Characters and Selecting Titles (Continued)

Names and titles convey information, so the title of your story, novel, nonfiction book, or article is also important. It can pique your readers' interest and generate excitement, or do the opposite. Titles can't be copyrighted, so you could call your book on dust storms in Death Valley Gone with the Wind and not fear copyright infringement. However, doing so could lessen the impact of your work. This lesson will focus on that topic and also talk more about writing essays.

Evaluating and Sharing Your Work, Attending Writing Conferences, Treating Yourself Well, Keeping Your Dreams Alive

Now is the time to ask yourself whether you actually like your own writing. No one is listening, so forget about false modesty. If writers are honest, they'll usually say they like their own writing. Some people adore most of what they write—including the secret scratchings in their journals. It's healthy to say that you like your work; that doesn't mean that you can't strive to improve it—that's what drafts are all about. It means that at a certain point in time, like this second, the writing is as good as it can get—for now. Over time, you'll always find new ways to improve it. In this lesson, you'll delve into a variety of ways to evaluate your own work. Plus, you'll learn everything you need to know about having a successful experience at your first (or next) writer's conference.

Evaluating and Sharing Your Work, Attending Writing Conferences, Treating Yourself Well, Keeping Your Dreams Alive (Continued)

Everyone has dream smashers in their lives. Those are the people who pride themselves in saying, "You've got to be mature. You could never do this or that." In this lesson, you'll look at how to overcome the power of doubters. You'll learn how to treat yourself like a professional writer, even if you're still an emerging one. You'll discover why it's smart to buy the books and magazines you need, take writing classes, and attend workshops. Writing is all about you, and you have the power to succeed!


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