
Discover Digital Photography

Discover Digital Photography Online Course

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24 Hours

Gain the skills you need to take great photos with your digital camera and never miss a memorable moment again. This course is an informative introduction to digital photography, from DSLRs to smart phone cameras.

Discover Digital Photography is designed for the novice photographer with no previous experience with digital cameras.

This course will teach you all about digital cameras, from DSLRs to smart phone cameras and what different equipment is used for. You will learn about different display methods for your camera, including sizing, print options, online storage, and how social media factors into digital photography. If you have old slides, negatives, or prints, this course will also teach you how to scan those "old school" photo assets.

After completing the course, you will understand how the process of composing photos has changed with the evolving capabilities of digital photography.

What you will learn

  • Become familiar with digital photography basics and decision-making tools for choosing the right computer for you
  • Explore the features and functions of digital cameras
  • Understand the need for image storage and the options available
  • Become familiar with the resources for digital photographers on computers and the Internet
  • Explore the options for printing quality prints from digital images
  • Examine the equipment available for scanning film and prints, as well as options for restoring damaged images
  • Realize the options for composing images where you intend to use digital editing as part of the artistic process

How you will benefit

  • Gain confidence using your digital camera to take pictures
  • Capture perfect memories with family and friends
  • Develop a great new, creative hobby


What Is Digital Photography?

In your first lesson, you'll have a chance to become familiar with the online classroom and discover the many resources available to you, including the beginning of the Digital Dictionary. You will also learn how digital photography works and what's needed to get started with a digital workshop at home.

Learn About Cameras

In this lesson, you'll have an opportunity to understand the key features of a digital camera. This will be helpful as you learn about what to look for both inside and outside the camera and as you explore the different levels of equipment available.

Shopping for Digital Equipment

When it's time to buy your own camera, you'll want to know how to make the right choice. This lesson covers more of the attributes and features of digital photography, so you're ready to go shopping!

Storing Digital Images

Digital storage is a big issue. In this lesson, you will learn the ways to address this aspect of digital photography. When it comes to digital images, you'll need storage space—not only on your camera, but also on your computer and somewhere offline for backup. This lesson also recommends how to get the most out of your storage space and the best backup option.

Phone and Tablet Photography

Digital photography isn't limited to traditional cameras! You probably have your phone or tablet with you most of the time, and this lesson explores the option of using that camera to take pictures, display your images, or even do quick editing. If you've been a bit confused by all the new terminology connected with smartphones and tablets, here you'll find easy explanations and clear examples of how to make the most of this technology.

The Digital Darkroom

The ability to edit your digital images is one of the most compelling features of digital photography. This lesson will show you several of the software programs available to you and some of the many features you'll find in digital editing programs.

Digital Photography Online

Using digital images online and on your computer are big parts of digital photography. In this lesson, you'll discover ways you can easily use digital images with email and on websites. You will also learn how to size images for use on the Internet. You'll love learning how simple it is to use your images as backgrounds and computer wallpaper. With digital photography, you can customize almost anything!

Digital Printing

Printing digital images can take many forms. This lesson explores the options for printing at home and the extensive network of retail printers available for digital work. You'll also learn how to prepare your images for the best quality prints, regardless of where you print them. If archival quality is important to you, or if you're scrapbooking, there are some things you'll want to know!

A Changing Society

This lesson explores how new and how digital imaging is changing communication, business practices, and the way photographers protect their images.

Scanning and Restoring Photos

Scanning printed images is an important option for digital photography. This lesson focuses on restoring old and damaged photos, as well as using scanners to convert slides, negatives, and prints into digital images. You'll even learn how to capture an image of a 3D object with a scanner! A scanner is a terrific tool for digital photographers and does an excellent job of connecting traditional photography with the digital era. This is an especially important lesson for scrapbookers who are working on family histories with damaged images or printed documents.

Traveling With Digital Equipment

Travel photography is always a favorite subject for photographers, whether you're shooting in your own backyard or around the world. Digital photography presents some different challenges and opportunities. This lesson focuses on how professionals in the field handle the challenges, as well as techniques and opportunities you can use when you travel, including file organization with Adobe's Lightroom.

Composing Digitally

Your final lesson will teach you how to compose your pictures with digital options in mind. There's a lot more to being a digital photographer than just owning a digital camera. In this lesson, you will see some great examples of difficult situations that you can remedy with digital solutions. The more you learn about your options, the more you'll want to experiment!


There are no prerequisites to take this course.

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